A good cup of coffee or tea, a group of nice like-minded
people, people motivated to succeed and share their inspiration, their
successes and failures and wanting to help inspire and be inspired!
Do you sometimes have trouble seeing the forest through the
I have been working toward formalizing the idea of using
the Google + hangouts as a place to collaborate and to meet with some
like-minded people who want to succeed in their business. You don’t have to be a photographer, just
someone who wants to come to the table and talk, brainstorm, share ideas, bring
encouragement, and be willing to share stories with the goal of inspiring
others to move forward and succeed while finding the same inspiration for yourself.
Does this seem like something in which
YOU would you like to participate?
I envision it like the trees in Okinawa where they have prepared
them for typhoons. The trees all over
the island have supports such as this:

My vision for this group would be to bring your “coffee”
about once a month when announced to the circle with a date and time and talk about
concerns or successes or things that may not have worked or things that may
work or things you are struggling to accomplish or be motivated toward while trying
to help the others to move forward in a positive way as well. To begin, I’d like to see how this may
transpire in a limited trial way, in lieu of it being in person. The first week would probably be more like
introductions of who we are, where we are and maybe a short synopsis of what
you would like to accomplish, might be a struggle or a success; nothing
elaborate, that is for your business plan but just to see the make-up and goals
of the group and to get to know each other a little. From there together think about how we might
best use the group to help each other succeed in our venture, to have a go-to
group to ask questions of or receive inspiration or ideas or motivation to continue. I’m not looking for people to just pat each
other on the back, but a group of honest people who really want their business
to work and see others succeed as well. In five years, in the time frame many businesses fail to succeed, we have stood strong and are moving forward.
And here in the midst of greatness and the castle of
Shurijo is one that has stood the test of time, ancient but strong like the
castle itself.
The logistics of G+ hangouts prevail, it has a limit of 10 people in a hangout, the first
9 people who request to be part of this will be part of the initial group; the
next 4 will be alternatives in order of their request if people find this is not something they want to continue to participate in or might be unavailable. All 14 will be in the circle. This might be more fluid as we see it develop
but for now this seems like the best process to start it moving in the right
direction. The initial hangout date and
time will be decided once the group is formed.
I’d love to see this work. I’d love to see a good mix of people willing
to share, some experienced and already successful and others like me looking to
implement their business plan fully. I
know I struggle many days, no MANY days to stay focused and encouraged and to
see the goal through the fog of a beginning business.
So now I just need to know who wants to join me?!?
Note: You must have a G+ profile to participate.
Add your name and G+ profile below.
I have had one “pre-request” and if Levi is still
interested. He gets the first slot. 8 remain open.
You may comment here or ask any questions here or on G+ my profile is here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108759901321068677229/about